Small groups are more effective than great leadership or individual training in creating strong communities.
— Peter Block

How do you start a Teylu?

All you need is a few people, a purpose and sprinkling of process.

Who do you want to meet with?

You need to invite a few people to form your Teylu. Typically it’s 4 - 8 people (try to stay smaller than 12).

Why do you want to meet?

You need a reason for meeting, even if it is as simple as building relationship to give the Teylu purpose.

How will you structure it?

You need a rhythm of meeting (frequency and length) plus an end date to create a finish or continue point.

How do you run one?

You don’t have to follow our recommended structure when you meet.

But it’s easy to remember, tried and tested and packed full of science and art.

Some FAQs

For more detailed guidance, if you want it…

Why Form a Teylu

Why forming or joining a Teylu is beneficial.

How to Invite people

Advice on who to ask and how to do it.

How to structure your Teylu

Our suggested process: size, length, regularity etc.

How to Run Your First Teylu

Your first meeting might benefit from this.

How to run your Teylu

Suggested, memorable agenda for your Teylu

How to find help

Helpful resources to help you run your Teylu.